For those of you devoid of a desert dictionary, a saguaro is that big cactus with the arms (usually two) bent at ninety degree angles. It looks kind of humanlike in some ways. If you are a Dallas Cowboy fan you may not know that is sort of looks like a referee signalling a touchdown. If you are in or have ever been in the French armed forces, you know this as the international sign for surrender.
Normally, I would rate the hot dog here. But it is the same dog as they serve at Salt River, because you see, they are playing at Salt River. So I’ll spare you the details. Suffice to say it was a larger hot dog.
But not all is lost for the Saguaros, I have designed a special hot dog for the team that they should adopt for next season:
Cactus Dog
- unsteamed bun
- Hebrew National frank
- sweet relish
- grilled green peppers
- three small dollops of saguaro cactus jelly
Putting jelly and other weird stuff on hot dogs is all the rage, and of course it could be optional. But if you want to excel in the world of hot dogs, you gotta push the envelope.
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